Saturday, November 27, 2010

(Not so) FAQ's #5

Can a flower bloom in a glass of boiling water?

Yes....if it's Chinese Flowering Tea!  

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I Didn't Miss....


I actually got to experience it for a few days.  

I probably should have documented it with a few more pictures - but it will always remain a sweet memory in my minds eye.

Then... a blink all changes. 

Change is good.

Aahh, Mother Nature....ya gotta love her!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Its Time Has Come....

On Wednesday 11/10/2010 I bid a fond farewell to my friends Bill and Orienne.  They're on their way to Portland tomorrow for the next phase of their adventure together.

In light of all the changes - I got to wondering how it must feel to face the future in terms of years - versus decades.

As we sat together on the couch - Orienne casually mentioned that maybe some assisted living services at their new home would be helpful.

Her daughter's eyes teared up.

Like me - she understood what a monumental step it was for her forever-strong and independent mother to admit to that reality.

A wise decision... Its time has come.

So time marches forward and my journey continues as well.

On 11/11/2009  I left Minnesota for my Westward Ho! adventure.

In the spirit of new adventures.... on 11/11/2010 I once again packed up the trusty Camry.

I spent a delightful couple of days with assorted sisters in Mission Viejo.  Then it was on to Las Vegas to spend time with my mom - as she looks forward to her 83rd birthday this week.

The next stop on my journey will be to the mountains to spend some 'real' time with MRW.

An important decision...

...its time has come.

Friday, November 5, 2010

License Pla-titudes

Even though I'm not always successful at it - I try to keep life in perspective, be kind, and have a positive attitude.

I don't understand what compels people - with all the options to make a statement on a personalized license plate - to decide on one like this.

Maybe I'm taking this one too personally - but it kind of pissed me off. 

I know it's a free country....but come on!  Really?  That's the best you could come up with?

Even though some plates are mean-spirited - most are funny, inspiring, clever, or just downright genius. 

"Wanna Dance" - love it! 

I'm often curious to know the stories behind the 7-letter statements.

I wasn't able to get a picture - but I saw one recently on a car on the freeway.  The letters were:  GVEMDAX   It took me a moment - but I figured it out.  Made me wonder what "Give em de ax" was meant to convey to those of us that shared the road. 

Was it a weird coincidence that I was on my way to an attorney's office called "Slaughter & Slaughter"?  Not kidding.

Loved this one.  If you saw the movie - you'll know what it says....

...a nice message.

Then there are those like this...

...I'm always grateful for a reminder to be grateful.