Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wonderful Windows to the World

Sweet Doc...my amazing friend...

          ...who shared his passions with me


Who taught me about 'cat's britches'...

...and 'steer's heads'.

(cool huh!)

Who encouraged me to push myself to my physical limits...

...and was always there with outstretched hands to help me climb...

...even when threatened with a sloppy spring snowball!

Who joyously...
and unselfishly...

...guided me to experience the Wonderful Windows to the World.


I had forgotten....he reminded me.

I was numb....he breathed new life back into my heart and soul.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bon Voyage & Godspeed

My Navy son and his family are moving to Germany in just a few days...for 3 years.

...and I thought the base in Jacksonville was far away!

I had the wonderful opportunity to visit them in MN last week before they head off on their Great Adventure.

There is a huge amount of stress involved in getting ready for a move like this.

The normal feelings and logistics alone are an overwhelming challenge...

...and then add the 'military factor'.

They are young...

...and strong...

...and they'll make this work.

Their 4-year-old has drawn a map from Jacksonville to Germany.

She is just old enough to understand that they're moving far away...

...and her sadness at missing all her grandparents was starting to surface.

Thank goodness there is Skype.

And as it should be...

...her 14-month-old baby sister seems to be handling everything in stride.

I see some international travel in my future...

....my passport is poised and ready.

I love you all with all my heart!
