Lately I've been feeling stressed and impatient about certain aspects of my life. I want clarity and answers. I want truth and trust. I want decisions and closure. Is that asking too much?
I would have answered a resounding "Yes" to that question..but for one of those wonderful 'goose bump' moments I had this morning.
I hadn't picked an Angel card for a while - so I figured it was time. There are 53 cards - 50 with pre-printed words and 3 blank cards for filling in with the word of your choice.
As I shuffled up the cards and placed them face down in my angel card dish - I said a little out-loud prayer of sorts. I just said that I could really use some patience right now.
I reached into the stack and proceeded to pull out the card with a picture of an Angel sitting on a stool knitting. The Angel word I randomly picked out of 53 possible choices was "PATIENCE".
I felt like I had my own private A-Team (Angel-Team) in my corner...
...I love it when a plan comes together!
Five on Five
8 years ago
And I love it when you pray!!!! Patience is a great thing to pray for. God is never too late, but he is never early.