Thursday, February 2, 2012

Only the Shadow Knows...

...I guess.

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning.

So if you believe that a large - but kinda cute - rodent can predict the seasons - then 6 more weeks of winter lie ahead.

Considering this is my first winter in my new neighborhood...

if the next 6 weeks of winter are anything like the last 6...

Hey - no problem!

From what the natives tell me - this winter has been rather 'milk toast'.

The focus of my next 6 weeks - will not be about a chubby rodent's shadow, winter, or milk toast.

I will be reaching for a shift in my world...some positive and long-overdue changes in my outlook...changes that can only come from within.

My shadow says...'s time to climb.

Watch me...

...I can do this!

1 comment:

  1. Love Love Love it! I am sending you an imaginary ladder - climb baby climb!!!!!
