I remember being told that they would sew your mouth shut if you were too loud. Being one of 8 kids - maybe our parents or a neighbor slipped that message in. I don't recall - but I wouldn't have blamed them for trying.
Dragonflies were abundant in my Minnesota backyard. You could simply stand still with outstretched arms and they would land on you. That was pretty cool.
Our mission was to bury some of our dad's ashes at their grave sites.
Their resting places were in different rows so we placed dragonfly lawn ornaments at their headstones - facing toward each other.
It was an awesome and moving experience - and with the miracle of cell phones we were able to include our mother - who lives in Las Vegas - in the "ceremony".
We returned to the Twin Cities later that evening. I walked into the 2nd story office room and saw a huge lime green dragonfly with golden wings on the window screen. It was at least 5 inches long and I had never seen one like it before. We all got to see it and were in awe of its size and beauty - and its patience - as it let us talk about it and even touch it's feet through the screen without flying away.
(It was several years later that I was able to snap this photo of one just like it that visited us while eating outside at a local restaurant)
There was an energy and aura in that room that night that had our pulses racing and the hair on our arms standing on end. We felt that it was an amazing sign - a validation from our loved ones that they knew our hearts and appreciated our symbolic efforts to reunite them. As I write this - the hair on my arms is again standing on end. I get to re-live their gift.
Thanks Dad, Michael, & Stevie. We love you forever. You are not forgotten.
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