I debated whether or not to write this post... if it was "appropriate". But then I remembered this is MY blog and I'm the boss of me. ;o}
Yesterday while I was out - I spotted something flying around a low bush along the sidewalk. I couldn't tell what it was.
It was too small to be a hummingbird, flying too fast to be a moth or butterfly, and the wrong shape for a bumblebee. It took off and landed several times on a couple of different bushes.
It finally landed - and stayed - but even then I couldn't really tell where it was - as it blended in with the leaves.
So I took a picture of the whole bush with the intent of zooming in on the saved picture to find it.
I zoomed in and saw that it was a very large green beetle.
I stepped into the bushes to get a side view shot. It was a brave (or stupid) thing for me to do as I was wearing sandals.
The thought crossed my mind that maybe other creatures might be lurking among the bushes!
Again - I wasn't exactly sure where the beetle was among all the green leaves.
I zoomed in on this side view picture to find it again.
Imagine my surprise to see TWO beetles...
...in a rather compromising position!
I was almost embarrassed. I apologized to them for disturbing their 'moment' - as it's probably the only one they'll get in their limited life span.
However - I couldn't resist the curious urge to get a picture of them from the front. They didn't seem to notice or care.
I guess the lady beetle was shy - as she hid her head under a leaf.
I think the guy looks a little bored...or is that fear?
She probably killed him afterward and ate him for lunch.
No one said love was easy - or fair...
...But it's definitely worth taking the chance.
Five on Five
8 years ago
I like it!