Monday, February 28, 2011

License Plates Re-visted

I'm still getting a kick out of some of the personalized license plates I see here in Southern California.   

For some - there is a tendency to imply speed. 

I saw one yesterday on a car that flew by me on the freeway.  It was  C MRY GO.  I would have taken a picture of it - but I couldn't catch up to her.

For others - it's pride in where they live...

...Where it's always sunny and in the 70's.


Being a Point Loma Native...

...and love of Ocean Beach. 

(or they really like their doctor)  

But generally speaking - for many Californians - it's...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Moon Glow (or Possibly Street Light)

The full moon the other night was so beautiful and amazing!

Photos from my dorky little camera - and mostly my ineptness at understanding how to get the correct settings - just can't do it justice.

In my defense - I was taking these from my car window in the Kohl's parking lot.

These images look like they're from the 'Where's Waldo?' books.

A little better...

...but there's still nothing that compares to experiencing it with your own eyes.
Even better - sharing the experience with someone you love.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Answer To Question #8 Is....

...17 needles.

My first acupuncture experience was a very positive one.

I barely felt the needles going in and I was perfectly comfortable for the 30 minutes or so they remained in various locations in my back

I actually felt them more when they were being removed.

Included in the experience was an intense deep tissue massage, some serious muscle stretching, and a couple chiropractic-esque adjustments.

When done - it was like I'd been inside the barrel in a barrel-rolling contest. 

I felt a bit beaten up...

...but in a good way!

I'm going back for the barrel-rolling semi-finals next Wednesday.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

(Not so) FAQ's #8

How many acupuncture needles will it take to get rid of some nagging back pain? 

This many?!  Holy crap!

Or this many?  Much better!

(Thank you, Acupuncture Barbie)

I'm sure the correct answer is some reasonable number in between.
...Looking forward to finding out on Saturday. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

To Be Or Not To Be...

... a Californian.

There have been many life changes these past few years.  The upheaval of relationships lost can be all consuming.

The need and desire to start again - and the energy and trust that it takes to do that - is also consuming.

It makes one wonder how that much 'consumption' is humanly possible.
We all have challenges in life and handle them the best way we know how.  I chose to move 2000 miles away from my Minnesota home of nearly 35 years.

I miss Minnesota - especially my son and friends - and the familiarity of it all.

I'm trying to figure out if I was needing a change of scene, was running away, or craving a new venue to try and start anew. 
Putting all the uncertainty aside - I can only believe that it was right for me to venture out as I did - because it's what needed to happen at the time.

All the questions and second-guessing came to fruition when I got my new job.  Having an 'official' address and 'official' employment - the powers-that-be told me I needed to register as an 'official' Californian.

So - with smog check "Pass" documentation in hand -  I went to the local DMV.

From my experience - these places seem to be the same in every city on the planet - an interesting hodgepodge of humanity.

It was 2 1/2 hours of waiting in lines...

...getting my car inspected
...renewing the registration
...paying the fees
...updating the title
...paying the fees
...getting new CA plates
...paying the fees
...removing my MN plates
...renewing my driver's license (including the unexpected written test)
...paying the fees
...and finally - attaching the CA plates before being legal to drive away.

But - I was missing my MN identity.

I could no longer make a stupid driving move and have people write it off to me being an out-of-state driver.
I would be expected to make rolling stops at all stop signs.
I would have to get timely car washes.
I would have to refrain from wanting to 'nudge' rude pedestrians.
I would be expected to drive with a Californian mentality.  Eek!

So my new friend at the swap meet made this license plate frame for me.... feels better having a smidgen of my MN identity back.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I believed the "Entities" in my life were good to have around. 

They are the 'Powers' that resurrect memories of moments of our lives.  They are our teachers, our guides, our friends.

They connect us to our past and reveal to us how our lives - over time - have intersected with other lives in fascinating ways. 

We're unaware of the many connections that were under construction.  We didn't know they were being forged until they show up years later as amazing 'coincidences'.

Other moments are happening now.

Reminders - or even better - validations of the past.

They can also be the catalysts to create new and beautiful beginnings. 

Each single 'event' - seems to be no big deal by itself.

But collectively - the wonder of it all can blow you out of the water!

Lately I've been trying to ignore the entities.  But they are persistent, crafty, and sometimes a bit mean.

Last night after baking some cookies - I decided to watch TV.  I haven't signed up for cable yet.  With my $10 HD antennae I get ABC and two Spanish speaking stations.  Obviously my viewing options are limited.  In this case - timing was key. 

I tuned in to The Bachelor - which went right to a special feature called "Marry Me Monday".  It appears to be a partnership of sorts between The Bachelor show and Jared jewelers.

It proceeded with a guy proposing to his girlfriend on TV.  Then to find out her answer - the viewing public can log on to

Those who know me best will understand why this particular proposal amazed me, brought me to tears...and pissed me off!

Okay Entities - enough already! Please leave me be for awhile...


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pedestrian Therapy

Heading out for a long overdue walk.

Feeling overwhelmed this morning with many thoughts and emotions...

...a walk usually helps.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Puppy('s) Love


There's Sally the Corn Snake....

...and Fonzerelli the "whatever" lizard.

It's interesting to watch them feast on an occasional cricket or "mousecicle".

I never knew there was a frozen entree for snakes who refuse to chase their dinner.

After all these years - I'm amazed at what I'm still learning.

But there's nothing on earth quite like the manic joy of a puppy vying for a Treat!

First - Try dancing to get the treat - without having to retrieve the ball. 

Going for the "cute" factor here.


If that doesn't work...

Chase the mini tennis ball (at warp speed). 

Retrieve the ball (also at warp speed).



...BOING into the air - just in case the retrieving part wasn't enough!

Ahhh - Sweet Victory!

Repeat until puppy poops out or OD's on treats - whichever comes first.

If only we could harness that enthusiasm....

...the world energy crisis would be fixed.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Angel Reminders

My angel card pick this morning was "Healing"...

...I'm doing my best.

I need these little reminders.