They are the 'Powers' that resurrect memories of moments of our lives. They are our teachers, our guides, our friends.
They connect us to our past and reveal to us how our lives - over time - have intersected with other lives in fascinating ways.
We're unaware of the many connections that were under construction. We didn't know they were being forged until they show up years later as amazing 'coincidences'.

Other moments are happening now.
Reminders - or even better - validations of the past.
They can also be the catalysts to create new and beautiful beginnings.
Each single 'event' - seems to be no big deal by itself.
But collectively - the wonder of it all can blow you out of the water!
Lately I've been trying to ignore the entities. But they are persistent, crafty, and sometimes a bit mean.
Last night after baking some cookies - I decided to watch TV. I haven't signed up for cable yet. With my $10 HD antennae I get ABC and two Spanish speaking stations. Obviously my viewing options are limited. In this case - timing was key.
I tuned in to The Bachelor - which went right to a special feature called "Marry Me Monday". It appears to be a partnership of sorts between The Bachelor show and Jared jewelers.
It proceeded with a guy proposing to his girlfriend on TV. Then to find out her answer - the viewing public can log on to
Those who know me best will understand why this particular proposal amazed me, brought me to tears...and pissed me off!
Okay Entities - enough already! Please leave me be for awhile...
Seems to me that there is "something" out there that will not be ignored! Or do I mean "denied"? I guess another week of license plates will tell us!