There's Sally the Corn Snake....
...and Fonzerelli the "whatever" lizard.
It's interesting to watch them feast on an occasional cricket or "mousecicle".
I never knew there was a frozen entree for snakes who refuse to chase their dinner.
After all these years - I'm amazed at what I'm still learning.
But there's nothing on earth quite like the manic joy of a puppy vying for a Treat!
First - Try dancing to get the treat - without having to retrieve the ball.
Going for the "cute" factor here.
If that doesn't work...
Retrieve the ball (also at warp speed).
...BOING into the air - just in case the retrieving part wasn't enough!
Ahhh - Sweet Victory!
Repeat until puppy poops out or OD's on treats - whichever comes first.
If only we could harness that enthusiasm....
...the world energy crisis would be fixed.
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