We all do - in some form. Just ask Alice.
How do we "slay" it? I guess we do what Alice did.

We surround ourselves with amazing friends.
Then we face the journey and do whatever it takes.
Sometimes we discover that those we thought were against us - are really watching our backs.
Sometimes we learn that adversaries can become friends.
We can also find out that those we thought were in our corner - are not.
The challenge is to figure out the Truth.
Above all - like Alice - we need to believe in ourselves.
When everyone was saying otherwise - she always trusted that she was the "right Alice".
When done resisting and ready to commit - we don our "armor" of choice and make our move.
I have to believe that in my own Wonderland - I'm the right Alice too.
It's a struggle at times - but eventually I hope to figure out that my Jabberwockies of life are no match for me!
Then I too will Futterwacken - just like the Mad Hatter!
(All images courtesy of Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland")
I love your blog, Holly. You are quite the writer and photographer! I'm still messing with trying to get the photos to line up how I like them in my blog, and that is tough. ALSO, I can't seem to keep spaces in my blog. AGH. The little things that can drive you crazy. I love you!
Thanks Kara! I appreciate the kind words. Most of the pictures I use are mine - but Tim Burton (& Google & YouTube) provided the fun photos & video for this one. If you've not seen this movie - I recommend it. I've been following your poignant & beautiful writings for a while now. Again - thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. Figuring out the blogging logistics will get easier with practice. ;o} I love you back. P.S. - Thanks for signing up as a Follower.