Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Get high on "Get Low"

I don't have cable TV.  That's okay with me for now. 

I have a $10 set of 'rabbit ears' that should theoretically pick up the signals from my local HD stations.  At my first apartment it picked up all of the major network stations and several others.  Score!

Unfortunately because of the location of my TV in my new place - and most likely some techno-dweebiness on my part - the HD signals are weak.  I can only get ABC, a bad connection to the CW, and two Spanish-speaking stations.

My point is that I don't watch much TV.  This results in me not seeing the trailers for the latest movies....and potentially missing many good ones.

Thanks to a 'heads up' from my CC - I'm happy to say that I didn't miss this one.  Here's my official 'heads up' to you. 

You most likely will be moved...and I'm pretty sure that you won't be disappointed.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

A National Geo'Graphic' Moment

I debated whether or not to write this post... if it was "appropriate".  But then I remembered this is MY blog and I'm the boss of me.  ;o}

Yesterday while I was out - I spotted something flying around a low bush along the sidewalk.  I couldn't tell what it was.

It was too small to be a hummingbird, flying too fast to be a moth or butterfly, and the wrong shape for a bumblebee.  It took off and landed several times on a couple of different bushes.

It finally landed - and stayed - but even then I couldn't really tell where it was - as it blended in with the leaves.

So I took a picture of the whole bush with the intent of zooming in on the saved picture to find it.

I zoomed in and saw that it was a very large green beetle.

I stepped into the bushes to get a side view shot.  It was a brave (or stupid) thing for me to do as I was wearing sandals.

The thought crossed my mind that maybe other creatures might be lurking among the bushes!


Again - I wasn't exactly sure where the beetle was among all the green leaves.

I zoomed in on this side view picture to find it again.

Imagine my surprise to see TWO beetles... 

...in a rather compromising position!

I was almost embarrassed.  I apologized to them for disturbing their 'moment' - as it's probably the only one they'll get in their limited life span.

However - I couldn't resist the curious urge to get a picture of them from the front.  They didn't seem to notice or care.

I guess the lady beetle was shy - as she hid her head under a leaf.

I think the guy looks a little bored...or is that fear?

She probably killed him afterward and ate him for lunch.

No one said love was easy - or fair...

...But it's definitely worth taking the chance.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Carousel of Life

None of the 7 Dwarfs have the name that I feel today.

I would have been okay with feeling Grumpy - or even Dopey - but I ended up feeling Sad. 

It's crazy to me how my emotional state can change - seemingly in a heartbeat.  I understand that ups & downs are part of the carousel that is life...but sometimes it bites!

I know that part of it is that I'm tired from the training at my new job.  When my energy level is down - it's easier to get sad.  It's been a while since I've had to "think and retain" in office-mode.  I'm not complaining - but I'm also grateful for R&R at the end of the day.

It would be reasonable to say that I've been 'under-employed' since I left Minnesota on 11/11/2009. 

Since January I've been doing some part-time Companion Care with a wonderful couple here in California - they are the Best!  I love them dearly and will miss not being able to spend as much time with them now that I have a "big-girl" job.  

There are those that I love and miss so much - who live in far away places.  Having the commitment of a job - brings with it the realization that the freedom to travel at my whim has changed.

Under-employment had its benefits and it was great to have some respite time from the real world - but it was also unrealistic.  It surely is a double-edged sword. 

I don't like this tweaked feeling. 

I want to feel calm, content & confident...

and comfortable in my own skin

...like this guy.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Heigh Ho...

...Heigh Ho - it's off to work I go!   Sing it with me!

Feeling grateful to have the job and excited to get started!

I am that 1 out of 7 today...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Gratitude on Many Levels

The Good News is....
(drum roll please)
....I got a JOB!

I start Monday at a local Chiropractic office - a 2-minute commute by car - less than 15 minutes by legs.  I checked.

I'm excited about working with the doctor and his staff.  There is a wonderful energy that surrounds them and the practice.  I personally have had great success with chiropractic care - as have other family - and it will be good to be involved in helping people get healthy.

I'm looking forward to getting engaged in the world again - in a way that only gainful employment can accomplish.  It will also feel good to have an income - instead of just an out-go!

With unemployment figures off the charts - this is definitely one of those times when I don't have to pick an Angel card to remind me to be Grateful!

So - with this good news - why then this morning did I have an underlying feeling of sadness.  I scolded myself to "get over it" and quit acting like such a whiner!

That's when it occurred to me that it was 5 years ago today that my dad had to leave us for his next adventure.

I guess my heart must have remembered before my head figured it out.  It helped me to identify and understand the reason for my sadness.

Gratitude has many dimensions...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

(Not so) FAQ's

What does it mean that I have to dust my stove?

I recently recalled when years ago I was on a Women's Adventure weekend with about 25 ladies from church.  We were playing the charades-like game called Guesstures.

I'll never forget when someone was trying to get us to say the word 'stove'.   Someone shouted out - "that cooking machine!".

Game Over!  We were laughing hysterically as only women can over a kitchen joke.

I know it loses something in the re-telling as it's one of those "on location" moments.

That it was so funny to us may have been directly connected with wine consumption.  No doubt the reason she couldn't come up with the word 'stove' in the first place.  (Did I say church group?)

The memory of it still makes me laugh.  Laughter is good.

Monday, August 16, 2010

'Settled' is a Relative Term

It's Sunday night.  I'm trying not to feel guilty about writing my blog instead of job hunting on craigslist - emailing cover letters and attaching resumes ad nauseum.  I can't look another job posting in the eye right now.

It was a nice weekend with 3 sisters and assorted family members over on Saturday for pizza and root beer floats.  The plan included some swimming in the complex pool but it was a bit chilly.  Weird summer this year in San Diego.

It seems forever ago - and also like yesterday - that the cargo from Penske #2 landed in my living room.  

Having my first "official" soiree in my new place was the motivation I needed to get the last bits of the unpacking picked up and put away.

There are still some pictures to go up on the walls - but that will take a bit more time.

I'm finding it hard to hang the early family photo collages.  There are so many nice memories of happy times... 

...but there's still some fragility that surfaces when I see those sweet faces.  I usually end up crying.  

But it's all good...all part of the healing process.  I can feel my new backbone getting stronger every day.

I am grateful for all the experiences that have created my story thus far...even the sad and challenging ones.

I am especially grateful for my sons.  It's been an amazing gift and pleasure to be their mom.

Thanks guys....I love you forever! 

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Today I got a call on my cell phone.  Not earth-shattering news I know.  It was a recording from American Express about my credit card.  Apparently a "red flag" went up because of some charges made at Target.

The recording suggested I call the number they gave me, enter my credit card number and a representative would discuss the situation with me.

Riiiight!  Do I look like I was born yesterday?  (Be nice)

The last time I looked in the mirror - I didn't see "Stupid!" written on my forehead! (or should I say - !diputS)

Anyway - I looked at my AMEX credit card and the customer service phone number on the card matched the phone number from the recording.  One helluva scam!

Okay - not a scam - I called the number.  I still refused however to put my credit card number in before I talked to someone.  Did you know you can usually bypass all that nonsense by continually saying "Speak to a Representative"?  Eventually they catch on and you get someone to talk to you.

Long story short (I know - too late) somebody created a fake copy of my card.   They charged stuff at one Target for $150 and at another Target the next day for $220.  They were at a third Target today attempting to charge another $270 when the card was declined.

Then I got "the call".  It must have seemed a weird pattern as it tipped off AMEX - thank goodness.  So now they had to cancel my card, UPS a new one to me, and probably eat the charges.  I hope their fraud department will catch the dishonest slime ball!

I've been vacillating back and forth lately about whether I like people or think they suck.

Today at least one really sucks.            
 ...their mug shot----->

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Bright Side...

There is a bright side to all the mayhem in this world.  Call me crazy - but I believe that most people are intrinsically good.  One kind word or deed at a time - multiplied by millions of people - is what will keep our society from imploding.

Many acts of kindness take place every minute of every day.  That's encouraging - but they are only stopping the bleeding.  It will take a major attitude shift by every one of us if we're going to pull out of the nose dive we've all had a role in creating.  It has to start with each of us.

Bottom line - we've got to start getting along.  The polarity caused by unbelievable nastiness on both sides of the political spectrum will be our downfall.  The whining, bickering, and fighting has got to stop.  It's got to - or we're toast!

I don't know how to explain why the Middle East seems to have missed the evolution train.  I can only hope that the good people in those countries will rally together and stop their own version of insanity.  Hope is not closed!

Check out this website for The Foundation for a Better Life.  These kinds of scenarios will be our world's saving grace.  Enjoy!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Three Cousins

On Facebook I've been reading the short posts to each other of my nephew and his wife.  MJ is currently in the Army serving in Afghanistan and won't be coming home until April 2011.  It is evident that they miss each other terribly.

Reading their posts is a poignant reminder of ALL the sacrifices that our military men and women make.  It's the danger of the job for sure - a no-brainer.  But it's also the toll it takes on families - long stretches of being apart, daily pressures, constant worry, and missing each other.

 Another nephew who was in the Army in his late teens - now in his mid-40's - recently re-enlisted.  He has a son who has enlisted in the Marines and two younger sons still at home.  He's also currently stationed in Afghanistan.  

My son is in the Navy and deals with the same issues of separation from his wife and daughter when he is "under way".  His time away is sporadic - often gone a week, 2 weeks, a month, 6 weeks...which is stressful for his family.  His second long tour of duty is coming up and he'll be away for 6 months.
To be clear - these 3 cousins are proud to be serving their country.  I'm sure they've had their 'moments' - however they chose their own paths to enlist in the military - not decisions taken lightly.    
Regardless of the complicated social and political reasons why they are where they are - right or wrong - I am proud and grateful for their commitment and sacrifice.

Man's intolerance with one another has been around since the first cave man threw a rock at his neighbor. 

Civilization has come a long way on many levels. Unfortunately humankind hasn't evolved very well in figuring out how to live together in peace.

I wonder if some day we'll "get it" before there's nothing left. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Angels have spoken...

A few months ago my wonderful friend Orienne gave me her Angel cards.  A kind gesture I thought - to give up your Angel cards.  I chose a card every morning as a reminder - a sign - a catalyst - or whatever - for my day ahead.  

During the process of moving my MN stuff to San Diego - I had forgotten about the Angels.  I found them again today - still in the ziplock used for their move - still in the little dish I found during a thrift-store adventure with my sister.

I took them out of the bag, shuffled them up, and chose one for today.

I chose Gratitude.

Perfect timing!  I'm in the midst of huge life transitions, upheaval, and a frustrating job search - but I'm reminded that life is good.

Life will play out the way it's supposed to.   My reaction to it is up to me.  That truth is difficult to accept - and when the going gets tough - even more difficult to remember.
Life comes with duality - the ups and downs.  Good times can't be truly recognized, realized or appreciated without the comparisons created by the challenging times.

I know there are many who have had to rally through tough and horrible situations.  Just read the headlines.  Sometimes the Duality of life doesn't seem to play fair.  

I'm grateful for my life adventures - and for all those who have made the 50+ year journey with me thus far.  I hold dear the experiences of the challenging times and the too-many-to-count experiences of the wonderful times.  

Even though I don't always show it - or feel it - or am frightened by it - I am grateful for my life and the opportunity to shape and anticipate my future. 

GRATITUDE.  I'll try to chose it every day - even if I don't pick an Angel card.