Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Once A Dork...

...always a Dork.  And I mean that in the nicest way.  This time I'm referring to me.

For instance...I'm usually pretty good at following directions.  So - unless my instincts are tweaked to high alert and red flags go up - I may not question what appears to be obvious and normal.

Case in point: When the online registration for a San Diego based hiking group said to type my full name -  I was a good little do-bee and followed the directions.  Now my full name is on my internet profile.  Der!

I'm usually more careful about stuff like that - but again - a dork moment.  I tried to edit my information  - and of course - was unable to remove my last name.

Since then - it has occurred to me that my full name - including my maiden name - is on my facebook profile.

So - I'm done fretting about that one.

There are plenty of other things to be anxious about.  I know because I've been the Anxiety Queen for way too long.  I look forward to abdicating my crown.

Life transitions are challenging and often gut-wrenching.  Most involve taking risks.
Then comes the trifecta - that 'perfect storm' - when the initial loss creates unexpected residual loss and then add a helping of collateral damage loss.  Loss begets loss - and it all comes crashing together and compounds in Richter scale proportions.  Enter Fear.

All this leads to the realization that joining the hiking group is a bit of a break-out moment for me.

It may seem like a no-brainer....but I've been functioning without a brain for a while.  My heart was my guide and it needs a break from being broken.

It's up to me to re-engage myself in life and take the initiative to change my stars.  I'll trust again.

So I will "Hit the Trail"

...with baby steps.

 ...it's okay to be a Dork.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

(Not so) FAQ's #10

Is it a problem when leaves fall from the trees?

...Only when they look like this!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One Friggin' Angry Bird...

This bird may be angry....

But to the driver who hit my car and left the scene with nary a note...


                 ...THIS is for you!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh...The Irony!

I was supposed to be at the zoo today. 

Instead - I spent that quality time at the ER.

I went to bed early last night - early for me anyway - and woke up about 12:30 am feeling a bit dizzy. 
Several times during the night - probably when rolling over - I was aware that my head or the room - or both - seemed to be spinning.  By the morning I was so dizzy I could barely stand and the nausea was intense to say the least.

It's like I'd overdosed on that roller coaster in my last post.

The scenario was similar to that of my mom's of a few years ago.  She was experiencing the same symptoms and was diagnosed with an inner ear inflammation. 

But through a miracle of fate - tests also discovered a silent killer - a golf-ball size aneurysm in the left side of her forehead.  She had emergency brain surgery and all went well.

I'm grateful to report that tests ruled out aneurysms - and other scary things.  The inner ear issue is more likely.  I'm finding relief with an OTC motion sickness medication and some rest.

Thank you to my sister Kathy for being my chauffeur and keeper of the Tupperware bowl.  That was above and beyond the call of duty!

It's like the imagery I wrote of in my last post became literal. 

Maybe next time I should write of the euphoria of being in love....or the insane odds of winning the lottery. 

Hmmm....I'm thinking I should stop by 7-11 tomorrow for a Mega Millions ticket.  Couldn't hurt...

Friday, March 18, 2011

(Not so) FAQ's #9

Ever feel like you're stuck on a roller coaster - trying to figure out life?

I do.

Sometimes I feel like I really don't know how to do this.

The ups and downs - and upside-downs - stomach wrenching drops - fast spiral turns - all leave me clinging to the bar with white knuckles.  No brave 'arms up in the air' for me right now.
I'm on a seesaw of emotions...up one moment...down the next.

Between the roller coaster and the seesaw - I'm feeling rather nauseous.  I'd like the carnival to leave town please.

Sometimes it's hard to keep writing here when I feel sad or discouraged and don't want to admit it in the written word.
But then I remember that writing can be cathartic - even when it's difficult.

So I suck it up and carry on....

If it's not too much trouble - I'd like to take a break and hang out here...

Scootch over little birdie - I'm movin' in for a while....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

To The People of Japan...

Godspeed to you all as you recover from the unimaginable power of Mother Nature...and some frightening consequences of human nature.  

I've always sensed a resiliency in the Asian culture that surpasses many others.  Hoping this is true.

Praying you will find some sense of calm amidst the chaos...

...and the hope of the reappearance of Life amongst the devastation.

...Again, Godspeed.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jumping to Conclusions

I've learned in life that it's often dangerous to jump to conclusions.  But knowing that Truth - doesn't keep me from taking flying leaps every now and again.  Then I have to endure the self-imposed browbeating when I realize I've been catty, unfair, or unkind.

I jumped last weekend.  Then I realized my conclusion was probably wrong.  Then I discovered that maybe my original conclusion might be right after all.  Confusing!  Are you following this? 

I went for a walk Saturday morning.  I like to take my camera with me so I don't miss any special photo ops. 

I was dressed in typical exercise garb - at least typical in my mind:  running pants, t-shirt, sweatshirt, and Avia cross-trainers size 7.5. 

I passed a woman who I assumed was heading for her car to go shopping. 

A bit later our paths crossed again - but this time she was jogging. 

I thought maybe she was jogging to her car to go shopping. 

When I saw her for a third time - still jogging - it occurred to me that she was intending to be out for a morning jog. 

The reason this wasn't evident to me at first was the fact that she was running in sandals...without socks.  Eek!

I wondered how that could be remotely comfortable - or good for her feet.  Imagine the blisters! 

So after chastising her for utter stupidity....it occurred to me that maybe there was such a thing as a 'running sandal'. 

It was certainly possible - and I felt bad for being so smug. 

So she got the benefit of the doubt - and I got myself a bagel and coffee for breakfast. 

Later - for my own curiosity's sake -  I decided to check it out online.

Not even Google could come up with a sandal manufactured specifically for running...

...so maybe it was a jump with a reasonable conclusion after all.    

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Echo Pretty Bird

After 9 years - we're all gonna miss her....

...especially Bailey - her bff.

RIP  Echo P.