Sunday, January 30, 2011

Literally Speaking...

My niece's son Bryson just turned 7.

He also just joined the pre-Cub Scout entity known as Tiger Cubs.

Tiger Cubs are distinguished by the presence of the color orange amid the traditional Cub Scout blue.

I stopped by to see him last week following his first ever Den meeting.  With a serious expression and "matter-of-fact" demeanor - he said that he had something important to tell me me about the meeting.

He explained that it wasn't held in a "den" at all(!) - but in a big room at the school!

This from the mouth - and thoughts - of a youngster... 

...This youngster however has tested at the college level for language and word comprehension.

I'd wager a bet that no other Tiger Cub that day noticed that there appeared to be a discrepancy in the proposed venue...

You amaze me, young sir! 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

(Not so) FAQ's #7

Got Jabberwocky?

We all do - in some form.  Just ask Alice.

How do we "slay" it?  I guess we do what Alice did.

We surround ourselves with amazing friends.

Then we face the journey and do whatever it takes.

Sometimes we discover that those we thought were against us - are really watching our backs.

Sometimes we learn that adversaries can become friends.

We can also find out that those we thought were in our corner - are not.

The challenge is to figure out the Truth.
Above all - like Alice - we need to believe in ourselves.

When everyone was saying otherwise - she always trusted that she was the "right Alice".

When done resisting and ready to commit - we don our "armor" of choice and make our move.

I have to believe that in my own Wonderland - I'm the right Alice too.

It's a struggle at times - but eventually I hope to figure out that my Jabberwockies of life are no match for me!

Then I too will Futterwacken - just like the Mad Hatter!

(All images courtesy of Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland")

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Day Gone A 'Fowl'

In light of the last several posts...

...I felt the need to lighten up my world a bit.

In early January I spent a lovely day with my niece and her family at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. 


There were many species of birds to see and enjoy. 

Here are some photos of a few of the slower ones.

This guy walked right up to my feet...

...looking for a handout no doubt.

I got a kick out of the legs on this dude. 

They looked like they were hand-drawn under its body by a pre-schooler with a gray crayon.

Nice birdie... new meaning to taking a flight with only a "carry on".


This little guy looks a bit 'owly'. 

Guess I can't blame him - except that he was injured and was fenced in for his own protection. 

He doesn't look convinced.

This is the Lorikeet. 
If you dare - you can enter its enclosure with a cup of 'nectar'. 
This is equivalent to waving cocaine under an addict's nose.  This is not for the faint of heart.

Excuse me....Did I say birds that were slower?

...Except of course for this amazing little hummingbird!  This photo was a gift...a lucky shot. 

Aaahhh...   Lightening up feels good.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Permission to Wallow

Once again - I'm grieving the loss of a special relationship.  It's been a rough time and feels way too familiar.
Like before - I have a wonderful support system of family and friends - once again picking me up and helping me through it.

What would I do without them?  I'm so grateful - you know who you are.  

There's another special Angel in my life as well.  She's been my guide and my advocate - accepting and validating my ways of coping - or not coping.

She has given me permission - even encouragement - to truly grieve.  To wallow - and rally - and then wallow again if that's what I need to do.

No rules.  No judgement.  No expectations.  No time table.  No constraints or limits.  No strings attached.  In my own way.  At my own pace.  In my own time.

When I tell her how much I appreciate her...she downplays it.  She says it's just a "been there...done that" kind of understanding.

But it's more than that.  It's more like "old soul" wisdom that goes beyond her years. 

She listens intently, may comment or validate, but rarely offers advice.  Advice she does give is helpful.

She assures me that it's okay for me to be in my self-absorbed world - because it's truly the only place I can expect to be right now in order to heal.

Last week I found a job - a huge relief.  I was telling her about it - apparently giving a less than convincing performance at attempting to be upbeat.

She noticed my underlying sadness though and asked me if I wished I could call him and tell him about my new job.  How did she know?  It was a comfort to be understood without having to try to explain....

Thank you sweet Lady K - for your love and for being so patient with me.

...For giving me hope that there will be calm again after this latest storm.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Anchors Aweigh" (literally)

...I almost missed a call on this Friday morning, January 14, 2011, at 5:00 am.

I was in that sleep place where it takes a while to realize that the ringing is not part of a dream - but is actually the cell phone on the nightstand.

If I'd been more coherent about the time - I might have panicked to receive a call so early.

Any maternal instinct worth its salt would immediately assume that something was wrong.
In this case - being oblivious to the time of day was a good thing.

It was my sailor son Ryan - telling me they would be underway shortly.  The beginning of his 6-month deployment to the waters off Africa had arrived.    

God I'm grateful I didn't miss that call!

Several hours later I found myself at the Marine Corp Recruit Depot (MCRD) in San Diego - celebrating the boot camp graduation of my sister Julie's 19-year-old grandson Alec.

Regardless of ones political leanings or the pros/cons debate of the US military presence around the world - there's really nothing that will get the patriotic juices flowing quite like a military graduation. 

It was a moving testament to 471 committed young marines (19 being the average age) who survived 12 weeks of rigorous training.  The needle was high on the Pride-o-Meter.  Well done, Alec! Congratulations!

To Ryan, to Alec, to Steve, to Michael J., to Jason - and to all those serving our country....

...Thank you for your service.  We wait for your return home.

We love you...

...Be safe.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Instinct (& Some Dumb Luck) instincts were right!  1/11/11 was a good day to have a job interview!   

In August 2010 - I used Craigslist to job hunt.  I responded to about 35 job postings.  Of those - I felt totally qualified for about 90% of them.  Of those 35 responses - I received no calls for interviews.  Disheartening was an understatement.

This round of job hunting  - I emailed 4 resumes last week.  Yesterday I got a call for an interview.  The interview today went well and I just got a call offering me the position.

I guess it was meant to be.... 

Putting my picture on my resume was a gamble. 

The first thing my new boss said when he met me in the lobby was "Hey - you look like your picture".

He thought adding a picture was a gutsy thing to do.  Of over 300 responses to his posting - only 6 of us included our picture.

I guess it made an impact and proved effective - a change of pace for someone wading through hundreds of online resumes.  

I'm glad I resisted the temptation to use a picture circa 1973.  I would have had some explaining to do....

The kicker?

When I closed the lid on my cell phone after the call offering me the job - the time was 3:11.


1/11/11 @ 11:11

I have an insane number of times each day when I happen to check the time and it's 11 minutes after the hour. 

It can even be in the middle of the night and I'll wake up to 2:11 or 4:11.


I had a job interview this morning...


It feels like a good day to have had one.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wise Advice

"Don't live upset" ...advice I heard today when I turned on the only station I currently get on my TV.

Easy to hear - not quite so easy to carry out.

The speaker said that when times in life seem like a "set back" - they're really a "set up" for something new and better. 

I want to believe his words that "things don't happen to us - they happen for us".

I know I have to avoid getting stuck in "why and what ifs" - as I may never understand things. 

I want to shake off the discouragement and disappointment - and come out stronger on the other side. 

He said, "Don't fight against the closed door.  When opposition pushes you out of your comfort zone - the opposition will only make you stronger."  

I want to believe that.  I want to learn to thank God and appreciate my closed doors - as they encourage me to look forward in a different, new, and better direction. 

I will dare to Trust again.  Trust will give me Hope that amazing things are in store.

A wonderful friend once told me this quote....

"Be bold - and mighty forces will come to your aid".

...I'm trying...

Monday, January 3, 2011

1/1/2011 On Your Mark...

Get Set...Woah!  

I face this new year with uncertainty.  I was on the right path for a while - but my life changed directions again.

I understand that every life experience has a purpose - but I wonder when (or if) I will ever figure it all out.  Clarity alludes me. 

I cannot deny or diminish the feelings I'm experiencing right now on my own journey.  I also understand that there are many people who face their own versions of hurdles and challenges. 

Makes the saying "To each his own" seem true and relevant.

My heart also focuses on my sailor son Ryan and his family as they face uncertainty and his upcoming 6-month deployment to the waters of a foreign land.  Details are scarce....if he tells me - he's gotta kill me.   ;o}

Their possessions reside in a POD in Jacksonville, FL awaiting orders for their next Port-of-Call.  It will be at least 5 months before they'll know where that port will be.

Another "hurry up and wait!" moment.

Ryan's wife Deb, 2 1/2-year-old Eden, and mega-sized dogs Moose and Ranger, will be living with Deb's parents in the burbs of Minneapolis.

It is a blessing to be with her family as we await the arrival of baby daughter #2 in mid-May.  Unfortunately...with Ryan still away at sea.
Military service was Ryan's choice.

His Grandpa Woods was a Navy man.  Ryan was moved to action by the poignant stories and tear-filled moments shared by those at the VA facility that was his grandpa's home for the last 2 years of his life. 

Even with some frustrations - and all that comes with dealing with bureaucracy - he's confident that he made the right - and a good - decision.

He has always had the support of his family - that will never change.   

Deb - thank you for the sacrifices you make as a Navy wife - especially for sharing your husband for the benefit & safety of the world.  I know it's not easy...but it's appreciated.  I love you.  Thank you for loving my son, and being a great mommy to Eden Sophia.

Eden - Grandma loves you!!!

Ryan - thank you for your service...for your commitment and all the sacrifices that go along with that.   Godspeed on your newest adventure.

Saying I'm proud of you is an understatement - and only touches the surface of the depths of my love for you.

I am so grateful for the gifts in my life.

You are one of them.

I love you forever.

Happy New Year to you - to me - and to all!