Saturday, December 15, 2012

So Very Sorry...

Forgive us...

...little ones...

...for the madness.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Possum Update

Since my last Possum Post in July 2011...

...there have been 20 catch-and-release episodes.
All 20 critters have been live-trapped...

(unable to resist the yummy cat food)

...and released along the San Diego River near Mission Bay.

They're probably out there livin' the good life...

...havin' fun together in their new waterfront digs.

I was wondering though...

...if the sudden influx of possums might be causing some confusion for the San Diego River Authority.

Imagine it....

...a multi-million dollar project in the works to figure out why there's an increased possum population along that stretch of the river. could happen!

Though rumor has it that she can be a little ornery at times...

...maybe Mama Possum would be willing to give them the inside scoop. likely won't happen.

Or maybe our 'Possum Pals' will open a Southern California Possum Park like Lester's.  Yikes...let's hope it doesn't happen!

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Filly & Alex Flynn

On Saturday morning...on a whim...I decided to drive to Grand Junction, CO to spend a quick overnight with some of my family.  It was a nice, low-key 24 hour visit.  I left about 6:00 on Sunday night for the return drive to SLC.

I enjoy making these short road trips.  My 2006 Camry still runs like a spirited little filly.

I just point her in the right direction - put her on cruise control - and she runs like the wind.

I almost hesitate to stop - as I don't want to break the momentum.

But sometimes my bladder dictates my decisions.

So I made a quick pit stop at the West Winds Truck Stop in Green River, UT (population - about 7)...

...before heading into the remote never-regions of central Utah via Hwy 6.

While stopped - I noticed an SUV with 2 large suitcases on the top and mountain bikes on the back.

There was writing on the sides - 10MILLIONMETRES - and a website listed as well.

Somehow it just seemed important and I asked the travelers where they were headed.

An innocent question for sure - and I got the most amazing answers from some very incredible guys.

This chance meeting in Green River introduced me to a remarkable man named Alex Flynn.

He was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease 4 years ago at age 36...quite a blow for a young, active, vibrant man, husband and dad.

After working through the inevitable shock, sadness, denial and depression, he chose to stay active and engaged in life.  He has much to live for. 
He has rallied worldwide...through his commitment to staying active through running, biking, mountain climbing, kayaking, raise awareness and funds for Parkinson's research...

...and a cure!

Please check out his website to learn more about this amazing man and his journey to make a difference.

To Michael - my old friend...Don't give up.

To Alex - my new friend...Take care, be strong, be safe and "Keep moving!" 


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Just Sayin'...




Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wonderful Windows to the World

Sweet amazing friend...

          ...who shared his passions with me


Who taught me about 'cat's britches'...

...and 'steer's heads'.

(cool huh!)

Who encouraged me to push myself to my physical limits...

...and was always there with outstretched hands to help me climb...

...even when threatened with a sloppy spring snowball!

Who joyously...
and unselfishly...

...guided me to experience the Wonderful Windows to the World.


I had forgotten....he reminded me.

I was numb....he breathed new life back into my heart and soul.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Bon Voyage & Godspeed

My Navy son and his family are moving to Germany in just a few days...for 3 years.

...and I thought the base in Jacksonville was far away!

I had the wonderful opportunity to visit them in MN last week before they head off on their Great Adventure.

There is a huge amount of stress involved in getting ready for a move like this.

The normal feelings and logistics alone are an overwhelming challenge...

...and then add the 'military factor'.

They are young...

...and strong...

...and they'll make this work.

Their 4-year-old has drawn a map from Jacksonville to Germany.

She is just old enough to understand that they're moving far away...

...and her sadness at missing all her grandparents was starting to surface.

Thank goodness there is Skype.

And as it should be...

...her 14-month-old baby sister seems to be handling everything in stride.

I see some international travel in my future... passport is poised and ready.

I love you all with all my heart!


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Stars & Spots (& True Colors)

To say that I've experienced a few life lessons the past several years would be a bit of an understatement.

As is true with most everyone, there have been some life-altering changes and adjustments.

I've made some bad choices and some good decisions.
I've been tenacious...when I should have let go.
And I've held on...when it was exactly the right thing to do.

I've celebrated family, rekindled old friendships, made new friends, and lost some friends.  I cherish the past...even the not-so-fun parts...and am grateful for the lessons I've learned that have molded me into who I am.

I believe that we can "Change Our Stars".

That is...our destinies are not cast in stone.

We can alter our future if we put our entire being - and a lot of BS&T - into the process.

It can be as simple as a change of opinion...or the more complicated attitude adjustment.

Or it can mean a monumental transformation to overcome negative energy that blocks our personal happiness and well-being.

The Epiphanies of life can be difficult, overwhelming, and wonderfully liberating...
..."sudden, intuitive perception of - or insight into - the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience."

 They are those "Aha!" moments of life.

Thank goodness they happen - as they are the catalysts for the changing of stars.

I've also come to understand that it's not possible to "Change Our Spots".

There are just some things that cannot be altered...

...wonderful traits...

...and some not so wonderful - but potentially manageable.

They run deep in the DNA of the psyche - never to be altered.

Sometimes the spots can fade, be denied, or be hidden...

...but eventually the true colors do come shining through.

It is what it is.

 Thank the heavens...

...for the infinite stars!

 As Nate would say...


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"THE GIFT"...Do You Smell That (Part III of III)

Part III of my saga is by far the hardest to formulate and explain.
It ignites many memories...and's that whole nutcase thing!
The 'blast from the past' memory of little brother Stevie - triggered by the "Do You Smell That?" incident at work - permeated my thoughts for the next two days.

It was evident that I was still experiencing grief - and some guilt - about what had happened that fateful day at the lake.

Almost 45 years later - I still felt stuck - 'locked up' in the belief that perhaps it was my fault. I had created the unrequited responsibility that it had been up to me to be Stevie's 'protector' and keep him safe - and I had failed miserably.

As siblings - we were not blamed for what happened.
But reassurance that it was not our fault - was missing.
Encouraging words would have been comforting for us to hear.

Yet - social protocol, complicated family dynamics, and mind-numbing grief became a trifecta of feelings and emotions that were just too intense to allow for much discussion.

So there was deafening silence...and the foraging of quiet undertones of self-imposed guilt.

The Friday night after the putt-putt boat motor smell at work - I was home watching the TV show "Crossing Over with John Edward".  I was fascinated by the premise of psychic medium John Edward's belief that the energy of our loved ones continued to surround us - long after their spirits have left their physical bodies.

John started a reading with a lady in the 'gallery'.  He told her he was feeling a young male energy - a toddler.  John explained that he literally felt some difficulty breathing - which to him was a sign of a drowning.
The lady acknowledged that there was indeed a toddler in her past that had drowned.

In light of the recent reminders of Stevie...this really captured my attention.

John then mentioned a Great Lakes connection - meaning that it was in that region of the country.  Hers was Lake Michigan.  Mine...Lake Superior.

If any other connections from John Edward rang true with her - I have no idea - as the next thing he said sent me reeling.

John said he was getting an "S" name.
"It's Stephen."

Then he said, "Wait. No."
"He's telling me it's Stevie".

You could have knocked me over with a freaking feather!

And I knew - in the deepest regions of my heart - that this "reading" was for me...  

...and The Gift?  (to all those there that day)

John Edward finished with...
"He just wants you to know that it wasn't your fault."

Thank you, sweet Stevie.